Full Name:
Wolfram Von List

'But you, Oberführer Wolfram Von List, are a rare and special find. You have the blackest heart I have ever encountered in a human. I tell you this not to flatter you, but because I expect the world from you. And you will deliver it unto me. This power I grant you is not something I would share with just anyone. But I am willing to see your dreams fulfilled and your enemies crushed. For you are a worthy vessel. You are the instrument of my revenge.'
- Kortifex the Deathless


Krafft considers a new life.

Von List attempts to make contact with his remaining troops.

Krafft thanks the Special Forces for saving his life, and giving him hope.

Krafft concludes his audio memoir.

Von List sends an urgent message to Headquarters

Von List expresses his dissapointment at his worsening circumstances.

Von List laments his current circumstances, hoping Kortifex can still win the conflict for him.

Von List vents his frustration at the Special Forces’ success in acquiring the Tome Page

Krafft explains how the artifacts ended up in the hands of his new allies.

Krafft elaborates on the Relic in the Swamp of Death, and recalls the writings of his hero, Alistair Rhodes.

Krafft recalls the moment the Special Forces team responded to his call.

Bellekar defends Professor Krafft's role, emphasizing that redemption should guide their efforts rather than mere revenge.

Krafft describes the scenes upon their arrival to Stalingrad

Von List reaffirms his position.

Von List chastises his men for a vital mistake.

Von List expresses his dissapointment in the Die Wahrheit troops and orders an evacuation.

Kortifex loses his patience with Zaballa.

Von List pries into the connection between Kortifex and Saraxis.

Krafft states his confusion at Die Wahrheit resuming operations in Egypt.

Krafft celebrates the Special Forces Team's escape from Stalingrad.

Von List grows ever more anxious about Kortifex's promises.

Krafft explains how he bonded with Bellekar the Warlock, and got into contact with the Special Forces Team.

Saraxis expresses her discomfort towards Bellekar's fledgling plan.

Krafft recounts his initial reaction to Von List bonding with Kortifex, and the idea it gave him...

Zaballa clashes with Von List.

Kortifex explains the hidden power of Vercanna the Last.

Von List tells Kortifex of his personal connection to Stalingrad.

Kortifex and Von List speak about the carnage witnessed in Merville.

Krafft assesses the situation now that the Special Forces have made their way to Egypt.

Von List sends an important message to the Berlin High Command.

Krafft recounts the struggle to follow through on his promises to Von List.

Von List issues a missive to all Die Wahrheit personnel on the status of the Egyptian unit.

Kortifex and Von List discuss the rumoured summonings at the Hotel Royal

Von List rallies Die Wahrheit.

Krafft details the The Société Occulte and their tome of rituals.

Von List informs Die Wahrheit on their new ally.

Von List updates Die Wahrheit personnel

Krafft explains the nature of Rune Magic to the Special Forces Team.

Norticus details the hidden history of the Hotel Royal, and the mysterious society who created it.

Krafft expresses his warning about the increasing volume of Dark Aether elements in our world.

Von List informs Die Wahrheit of the escape of Krafft's team.

Krafft reflects on Von List and the Scepter of Kortifex

Krafft informs the special forces of the nature of their new relationship with the Dark Aether Entities.

Von List alters the timetable.

Krafft explains his predicament.

Professor Gabriel Krafft introduces himself.

Krafft details the abduction of his spouse, Sasha.

Krafft recalls his initial induction into the schemes of Von List.

Professor Gabriel Krafft beings his audio memoir as a record of his unwilling role in Die Wahrheit's schemes.

Von List threatens the Special Forces.

Von List taunts Professor Krafft.

Kortifex and Von List discuss their shared goals, and what awaits Kortifex back in the Dark Aether.

Kortifex speaks one of his previous human hosts.

Kortifex inquires about Von List's anxieties.

Norticus recounts the history of the Dark Aether and his relation to Kortifex.

Kravchenko seeks Jager's council on his new plan and inquires about Jager's family history.